The One Thing

People ask me all the time: “What is the one thing from Germany you are going to miss when you go back to the States?”

My response: Spargel. (Click here for last year’s Spargel adventures.)

More specifically, I am going to miss walking to the Farmer’s Market on the 11th century Münsterplatz of my Black Forest town, shopping for the most local Spargel I can find, purchasing it in another language, and then sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen drinking white wine while watching my husband turn said Spargel into an amazing Spargelcremesuppe with homemade croutons. The joy of eating it goes without saying!


Oh yeah, and Spargeltoast from my favorite Strauβenwirtschaft (click here for Strauβenwirtschaft reminder).


That’s it: the one thing (of so many) I’m going to miss!