
Welcome to Freiburg im Breisgau!

Joe and I have been blessed with the opportunity to live at the foot of the Black Forest and immerse ourselves in German culture, history, and language. I welcome you to share in our European travels, experiences, and joys…from the comfort of your own computer screen.

Viel Spaß!

8 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Yes, HELLO WALLS!

    I would like to know if the beautiful picture acting as the header to your blog was taken by you! I would also like to know if it’s actually a picture of something in Germany. It’s very nice.

    Additionally, I really appreciate that I can actually picture you telling me these stories in person. It’s awesome, and a testament to your story telling abilities.

    Love all three of you!

  2. Well, hello little Schwester (sister)!

    Yes, they are my pictures. The homepage is of the Freiburg Münster (the cathedral), which took from 1200 to 1513 to construct. Keep working out at the gym because I am going to make you climb all the way to the top of it!

    “How to Get Here” picture is of the Schwabentor, the eldest of five medieval gates that used to guard the town of Freiburg. The picture on the “Musings” page is of the Historische Kaufhaus (historic merchants’ hall) which was the seat of Freiburg’s trade, customs, and administration in the 1500’s. It shares the Münsterplatz with the Münster.

    I will treat you to ein Bier sehr groß (a very big beer) at the Feierling (Freiburg’s own micro-brewery) if you can find the movie-quotes I put in here….just for you!

    Ich liebe dich.
    ~ Trysta

  3. Hi Walls! I found your link on the Welches blog and wanted to say “hola!” We’re down in Buenos Aires for another year with the Olmsted program.
    Your blog photos are incredible, and Freiburg looks amazing!


  4. Amazing reading, Little Trysta. Entertaining, educational, insightful, sensitive. You and Joe will be the finest scholars of 2012, to be sure, with these types of learning experiences to your credit. More fun learning about Germany from your blogsight than reading a tourist book. Can’t wait to visit some of your favorite spots, and a few new ones, with you both. Love you, Mom.

  5. Wow Trysta! You are an awesome writer. I finally tapped on the “musings” heading above- oh a couple of weeks ago and discovered there is a lot more to your blog than this home page. I am enjoying it thoroughly! I may even be learning some German. Talk to you guys again soon. Love, Melanie and family

  6. Viele Gruesse nach Freiburg!!!! Hab grad durch Zufall euren Blog gefunden! SUPER! I can’t wait to catch up on it…. and hopefully we’ll get a chance to meet up and hang out with you guys before we’re leaving this summer. 🙂

    Eure Olmsted Buddies aus Regensburg!

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