das Weinfest

Remember a while back when I said that Spargel was going to be the one thing I was going to miss most about Germany? (click here for reminder) Yeah well…I lied. Or maybe I changed my mind. Why must there be just one?

Another one of our favorite pastimes in Germany has been the German Weinfest, especially Freiburg’s. It is, by far, our favorite event in Freiburg! I mean, you can’t beat drinking cold local white wine on a hot summer night amid the charm of the 12th century Münster.


Our first summer in Freiburg, we discovered the Weinfest while Joe’s brother was visiting. This is also when we confirmed that Liv is, in-fact, the biggest wino we know!

more wino

Yup…she finished it herself!

Yup…she finished it herself!

The gorgeous thing about a Weinfest is that it is easy to convince our visitors to join us in enjoying the tasty local juices!

P&P selecting libations in Ihringen.

P&P selecting libations in Ihringen.

P&P group

This year, Joe’s parents and aunt & uncle were visiting during the Weinfest. We were lucky enough to enjoy a few hours of sunshine during the Fest.


Zum Wohl!

Zum Wohl!

Another thing I love about Germans/Germany is their dedication to “festing”. You name it, and the Germans will make a Fest out of it and show up in droves…even in bad weather! Joe and I refused to let a steady downpour prevent us from enjoying our last moments of Freiburg’s Weinfest together. It was actually really beautiful! I have never really taken the time to appreciate Freiburg in the rain…until enjoying it with a glass of Grauburgunder in hand!


Lieber Freiburger Weinfest, wir werden Sie echt vermissen!